For Starters...

Dear Big Father God,
I thank you. I thank you for the big things in my life like; my family, my friends, my health, my home and of course toilet paper. I thank you for the small things like; coffee with creamer, warm socks, a view out my window and gas in my small bus. Today I thank you for the big and small things alike because tomorrow I'm not guaranteed to have any of the above. Tomorrow I may be seeking for the very thing I'm thankful for today, so today I take the extra measure of time to praise you for what I have today, knowing that the things I have today are already answers to my past pleadings and prayers, and I praise you for them today as maybe someday in the future I will need to ask for them again. Lord, in a moment of transparency with you and others, I ask that you will tune my heart in on the things that are not so earthly bound. All of the things I've thanked you for some at a cost, a style, a choice for me to have obtained it, and although you have provided the means for each gain, I wonder if my heart is not wooed by the things that You alone have done. Lord let me be thankful for Salvation as I am for the hugs of my children, for their laughter and for their smiles. Let my heart be moved by your gift of creation, let me be in awe of your sky whether I'm in doors or out running errands. Father, help me to be thankful for your presence like I am that there is toilet paper there when I need it. I am guilty for not paying attention to you in the biggest ways there are. Forgiveness paid for, love unending, inseparable and incomparable. A hope that endures from this life into eternity already promised. Your word of truth, alive and perfect. These things, Father, may they be my ever joy, my complete peace and my forever love. Guard my heart from anything less than, teach me to love like you do, break me for what is broken, send me to heal, teach me to hear and use me for all that is good that points others to You. Forgive me of my failure to listen, my sin and my pride. Open the hearts of my friends and family who need you. Help them in their daily need. Grant them healing from sickness, fear and brokenness. Restore marriages and rekindle love for one another. Raise up our children that they may seek after you, bring the lost ones back home and set their hearts on a new path with you. Lord may all our worries and stress be gone in Your Mighty Name, because You are God of all. No one is capiable like you. No one can do the impossible without you. We ask for the impossible in our lives to be done today so that you may be glorified and made BIG through us. So thank You Lord for hearing our heartfelt prayers, caring for our needs and being our All in All. 


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