One, Two skip a few... Day 5
Life. It is almost as short as the word itself.
Today our town of Colorado Springs lost a police officer in the line of duty. He left behind a wife and 2 children. My heart aches with many others tonight as we grieve for the family, friends and coworkers left behind. So crazy to think how quickly one life can be taken away. The suspect also lost their life and that also makes my heart hurt. I don't know the details of this situation but I know other officers were also shot and as of this moment seem to be recovering. But ugh, so much loss, so much hate, so much crazy.
I don't know what lead to the events of today and I'm not sure anyone could have prevented what transpired. A wife now goes to bed alone without her best friend and two kids will wake up tomorrow without a father to greet them. This reality sucks. The suspect may have family missing them, and who knows how today would have ended if they had made better choices. In a moment decisions were made that will echo in eternity for more than just those who were lost.
As heartbreaking it is that lives were lost, I am finding solace in the fact that there are men and women who get up each day or go to work each night filling in the gap as protection for others. Someone to help keep the balance in the world on the front lines. When evil strikes there are those who answer the call even risking their lives in hopes to save others. There is an underlying character attached to those who serve selflessly, it is LOVE. They may not be the warm cuddly type, but true love rarely is only sweet but it is whatever the moment requires it to be. (Please know that I am not speaking for all law enforcement everywhere, but I am speaking for those good men and women who fight the good fight to protect the innocent and to help those who are in trouble. The ones who pray to God that they never have to take a life, but that they would be brave and wise enough to face the moment if ever necessary.)
Today, just like the day my brother was killed on a dirt road in Iraq, there is felt a deep loss for those who are now gone and yet a deep deep gratitude for their love of someone or something enough to show up. Heroes don't always win the battle. They don't always come home. But heroes always show up.
Today, I am reminded of the verse in John 15. It is used quite frequently in moments like these so I hope to avoid being cliche: but "Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends." Jonh 15:13 I think that this is true. I believe that there is great love in the action of laying your life down just by the choice of getting up each day and showing up to where you are called, especially knowing the risks.
This love is an honor for me to witness by many I am close to. I know men and women everyday that get up and show up, and I am thankful for so many of them who have made it home safely and my heart hurts for those who gave it their all.
This love however powerful it is that one would lay down their life for those whom they call brothers or friends is the perfect visual of the love our Savior has for us... Only His love covered us before we were even considered family or friends.
"When we were utterly helpless, Christ came at just the right time and died for us sinners. Now, most people would not be willing to die for an upright person, though someone might perhaps be willing to die for a person who is especially good. But God showed his great love for us by sending Christ to die for us while we were still sinners." - Rom 5:6-8 NLT
At the end of this day my heart is overwhelmed by such love. The love that called men like this officer to his place of duty regardless the cost, the love that lead my brother to another land to stand in the gap for his brother and sisters in arms. That is a big love. They had their reasons, their hearts thought of those they loved and I'd like to think they showed up each day despite fear and warnings to fight for the people they loved.
And yet while I was unlovable, bitter, cold and completely selfish someone laid down their life for me. He stood in the gap of war while I aimlessly wandered the battlefield posing as simply invincible. Before I even knew I needed a hero, he died for me in my place. What is this love that should know me by name? A love that laid down His life on a prayer that I would realize such a thing. My sin stung ever so deeply the man who gave His life for me, and yet He did not flinch or cower from His call, He showed up. For HIM I am grateful and I hope to prove my gratitude for it each day through the way I live and the way I love.
Today my heart is heavy that THIS kind of love is so powerful. That a life given in place of others is so demanding of our attention, I pray that it is also not so easily forgotten. May we live a life honoring those who laid down their own, that it may not have been in vain.
May you rest in peace Deputy Micah Flick my thoughts and prayers are with your family tonight.
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